Oriental medicine (OM), also known as Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is a healing art that existed in some form or other for more than 3,000 years. Some of the earlier texts date back from the Han Dynasty (206 BCE to 220 ACE). In the western world, it is commonly known as acupuncture. However, acupuncture is only one of several modalities that physicians of TCM use to treat patients. TCM emphasizes the role of the body in the healing process and uses herbs and natural agents to maintain health. It is an effective form of treatment and a particularly safe form of therapy. TCM is a complete medical system that takes into account every aspect of human life to promote health and well-being. It sees the body as one whole entity like a “Garden” and encompasses its physical, emotional, energetic, as well as its spiritual aspects. It emphasizes on the “Vis medicatrix” the “healing power of nature” better known as “the inborn ability of the human body to respond to the insult of illness or injury and restore itself to health in most episodes of disease or trauma (Whorton, 2002, p. 6).” The goal for treatment is boosting the ecological condition to favor self-regulatory capacity. Physicians in the eastern world are trained to examine skin, complexion, bones, channels, smells, sounds, mental state, preferences, emotions, tongue, pulse, demeanor, and body build to discern patterns that underlie a patient’s complaints. TCM’s wholistic approach to healing addresses the underlying cause of disease, and allows the body to heal itself naturally. Physicians are taught to treat the cause not just the symptoms of an illness so that the body can function more efficiently and therefore ensuring true health.
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Chiropractic | Acupuncture | Massage
1898 S Clyde Morris Blvd., Ste. 120 Daytona Beach, FL 386.872.7167
Why Trust us With your Health?
We offer comprehensive holistic healthcare services including chiropractic, massage, medical nutrition therapy, and acupuncture, all under one roof! It is our mission to provide each and every patient with the time, attention, and quality of health care they need and deserve. We offer a friendly, comfortable, and family-oriented environment that makes our patients feel happy and at ease when entering the office. Our treatment plans are customized to meet each of our patients' unique needs and our results are overwhelmingly positive. Visit the testimonials page and look us up on Google or Facebook and see what our patients have to say about our office! Below are some other reasons we may be the right place for you and your family:
Wait times usually less than 5 minutes - most patients are seen immediately upon arrival
Evening and early morning appointments available
We accept most major insurances - we will verify coverage and bill your claim
We have affordable cash options available and accept financing through Care Credit
We have a very friendly, welcoming, and detail-oriented staff
Our treatment plans are based on extremely detailed evaluations and are unique and customized for every patient
Our physicians and therapists work together as a team to give you the best care possible
Free initial consultations available for chiropractic care and acupuncture - if we can't help you, we'll help you find someone who can
We pride ourselves in our honesty, integrity, and transparency. We tell you up front what to expect, give you plenty of opportunity to ask questions, and ensure that you feel confident and comfortable with all aspects of your care!
For more information about our practice, visit the links below. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to call our office at 386-872-7167 or email Dr. Fleming directly at admin@nhwchiro.com. We wish you the best on your health and wellness journey and look forward to hearing from you!